Electronics & Microprocessors
See also: Controllers; soft circuits: textiles and wearables; Rapid fabrication - laser cutting, 3D printing etc
- Adafruit - Inspiration and tutorials
- Arduino - Arduino blog category for general physical compouting projects using the Arduino platform
- ITP Physical computing - collections of tutorials and resources
- Instructables
- ShapeLock - formable plastic (Make)
- Textiles and soft circuits (Make)
- Shape shifting electroactive polymers
Working with Electronics
- Introduction to Basic Electronics
- Electronic components (Make)
- Guide to basic electronic components
- Lady Ada's tutorials
- Multimeter basics (Make)
- Soldering (Make)
- ITP's Physical computing course has videos on tools for physical computing, electricity
Arduino & Electronics
- What is Arduino?
- Adafruit's Learn Arduino
- Arduino Getting Started (Official)
- Arduino Tutorials (Official)
- Arduino programming reference
Input Components
Encoders - This store provides a good overview of available encoders and potentiometers.
- Kitronyx - Makes controllers and FSR sensing pads, with access from Processing, Arduino, C++
- Interlink - Makes a FSR sensors and development kits
- Curtiss-Wright - Manufacture various input devices
- Mikroe Click input components
Output Components
- Hover Labs Beam - Easily-programmable LED array
- Ultrahaptics - Haptics platform for feeling touches in mid-air
- Understanding servo motors (Make)
- Servo Controllers (Make)
- Pololu - Webshop with a range of motors, controllers and hardware. They also make their own boards for controlling motors from a regular computer or a microcontroller
- Servocity - Webshop with a variety of hardware for making things move
- Firgelli - Manufacturer of linear actuators
- Miga - Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators
- Tactile Labs - 'haptuators', for example to produce sound or vibration
- Cypress Haptics
- Sparkfun - Variety of motors
- Stanford's Hapkit - A low-cost single DoF haptic input/output devic
- TI Haptic Bluetooth Kit
- Ebay seller
All of these deliver to Sweden
- Electrokit (SE)
- Mouser Electronics (SE)
- Digi-Key (SE)
- EZtronics (SE)
- M.nu (SE)
- Electrozone (DK)
- ArduinoTech (DK)
- Pimoroni UK and DE webshop. They distribute a lot of Adafruit products in Europe and have their own range of Raspberry Pi accessories
- Reichelt Elektronik (DE)
- Adafruit (USA)
- Sparkfun (USA)
- DFRobot (China)
You can get a huge variety of microprocessor boards, modules and components from Aliexpress as well. Extremely cheap, but you might need to put up with no after-sales support, poor documentation and higher rate of failure.