Research Venues
- CHI: Computer-Human Interaction (proceedings, history)
- CSCW: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, ACM Conference On (proceedings, history)
- DIS: Designing Interactive Systems (proceedings, history)
- DUX: Designing for User Experiences (proceedings) No longer active.
- ECSCW: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, European Conference on (proceedings)
- NordiCHI: Nordic Computer-Human Interaction Conference (proceedings
- OZCHI: Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (proceedings
- PDC: Participatory Design Conference (proceedings)
- SIGGRAPH: Graphics and Interactive Techniques (proceedings
- TEI: Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction proceedings, history)
- UIST: User Interface Software and Technology (proceedings, history
- Ubicomp: Ubiquitous Computing (proceedings, history)
- Computer-Human Interaction, Transactions on (ACM)
- Human-Computer Interaction, International Journal of (Taylor & Francis)
- Human-Computer Interaction, Proc of the ACM on (ACM)
- Human-Computer Studies, International Journal of (Elsevier)
- Interacting with Computers (Oxford Academic)
- Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM)
- Interactive Intelligent Systems, Journal on (ACM)
- Social Computing, Transactions on (ACM)
- Design Issues (MIT Press)
- Design and Culture, the Journal of the Design Studies Forum (Taylor & Francis)
- Design Philosophy Papers (Taylor & Francis)
- Design, International Journal on
- Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciecnes (Springer)