See also: visuals, image processing
- GoodUI - Various tips and suggestions of web design, particularly in the commercial context.
- Draggable - Make elements draggable
- Dragula - Make elements draggable (2)
- zingtouch - Touch gesture detection: tap, rotate, pinch/expand, pan and swipe
- Hammer.js - Touch gesture detection: rotate, pinch, press, pan, tap, swipe
- interact.js - Element drag'n'drop, resizing
Advanced interactivity
- Anime.js - Animations with CSS and Javascript
- Bounce.js - Animations with CSS and Javascript
- Loading - Loading animations
- VHS - CSS animation helpers
- AniCollection - demos of various CSS-based animations
- Animate.css - Simply CSS-based animations animations
- Easing description of different ease-in and ease-out animation options for the web
- Motion - complex animations
- Foundation HTML5 Animation
- Google's guide to using animation on the web
- Web animations API vs CSS animations
- Stack motion hover effects (Codrops)
- Expanding bar menus (Codrops)
GUI Kits
If you want to get up and running and not re-invent the wheel, there are several frameworks available that cover basic GUI norms: